Sunday, October 22, 2023

My current novella is complete

 I believe I am finished writing Quiet Beneath the Moon. I plan to push it as a love story set in the final stage of our devolution where life or extinction hangs in the balance. I don't expect any publishers to want it but I intend to ask anyway.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Major changes to my current story

 Major structural changes. I made the chapters longer, cutting the count from twenty plus to twelve. Moved the prologue into one of the chapters so that a reader will not feel slapped in the face with it before they get any story.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

About Clones in Fiction

 Many people use "clone" when they actually mean something else. A cloned human would have to grow from infancy same as any child, yet in many stories they appear as duplicates of someone.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Latest project.

 Doing a total makeover of a short story from a few years ago. It was titled A GLEAM OF METAL, I think. I have several that I believe I can do better now.

The EndEarthers is about 45,000 words. I am thinking about going full book length by adding this and a few other stories.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Quoting Toni Morrison

 “Characters are like ghosts. They have nothing on their minds but themselves and aren’t interested in anything but themselves. You can’t let them write your book for you.” —Toni Morrison