My last desktop couldn't access CDs I made of certain files. Instead it treated them as new discs to be formatted for receiving files. So they languished in a box, thought to be useless. Yesterday my wife wanted to get the box they were in out of the way. Just out of curiosity I put one in and opened it. There was Ebeneezer's Ghost and some I had forgotten altogether. To me, priceless.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Friday, August 14, 2020
On "Beyond the Dark Water"
I originally set out to write my full life story when I began this piece. Then eventually edited it down to exclude mention of most of my brothers and sisters, who mostly are still alive and whom I did not wish to antagonize or argue with. Left with a much-shortened version, I grafted it onto a fictional tale of an adventure with my long-dead brother, who in it visits from the grave. The autobiographical material is all true. The ghost _? Well, I was asleep one night less than a year after his death and I was aware that he crawled into the bed to sleep alongside of me. I felt his warmth until shortly before awakening. I had to dismiss it as but a dream -
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
What is your favorite music
Beginning when I was a child and working to the present, my favorite artists have been
Hank Williams
Harry Belafonte
Jerry Lee Lewis
Little Richard
Peggy Lee
Don Gibson
Buddy Holly
Bob Dylan
Donovan Leitch
The Beatles
Phil Ochs
Leonard Cohen
John Lennon (solo)
George Jones
Of course, that list is partial. It could expand a hundredfold. But Ave Maria is my favorite song of all time.
Hank Williams
Harry Belafonte
Jerry Lee Lewis
Little Richard
Peggy Lee
Don Gibson
Buddy Holly
Bob Dylan
Donovan Leitch
The Beatles
Phil Ochs
Leonard Cohen
John Lennon (solo)
George Jones
Of course, that list is partial. It could expand a hundredfold. But Ave Maria is my favorite song of all time.
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