Friday, May 5, 2017


I write from the seat of my pants, mostly. That's why I can rarely give an in depth preview of anything I'm working on. In this new effort, Edgar Blythe owns a neighborhood store. He daily visits wife, Mary Blythe, who is an institutionalized Alzheimer's patient. The regulars who visit to share coffee and camaraderie provide much of the color and drama. I've already written of one cast member. He is Irving Bradbury, who is proud he shares the name of a famous author. There is no comparison. Irving has written just one book and has been five years peddling it. In the course of my novel, he sells the book and becomes an international celebrity, netting a movie and theme park in Florida. Anyway, I am still populating the book and there will be as varied a crowd as I can conjure. I took nearly two years to complete my last book.  

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