Stave One
It was night on the Eve,
My friends who believe.
Santa's weight did creak
The old sled unique
When he went aboard to steer
Those eight magic deer.
The deer were champing;
The elves were stamping,
Cheering liftoff imminent.
Santa returned the sentiment.
The bag was loaded,
Full to near exploded.
The swirled, piled, sheets of white
Glimmered neath the gleams of light
Cast by stars in the sylvan night,
Startled by sled, deer, and Santa in sudden flight.
Santa chugged Mylanta, Alka Seltzer, Pepto, and Tums
Yelled at the reindeer, "Faster ya bums!"
The sleigh was hot with friction smokin',
As it lit on roofs and waited for Santa to place a token
In each stocking and beneath each tree,
No time to take even a pea
(There was pea salad on Andy Smith's table).
The elements of night were growing unstable.
Santa rolled up his sleeves:
"Gotta serve every child who believes,
From one to nine hundred and one,
Get all in on the fun."
In the still sylvan night
Perchance a swinging light
What or who this Holiest hour
With lantern a-glower
Puts foot before foot
Entrants boot by boot
Moon-dapple bower
What eyes sweep the room
Broomstraw across the gloom
Peruse yon sleeping tadpole
Gloved hand pulls out of the hole
In his bag a fragment of star
To place it in center of the scar
Of moonlight across the blanket scroll
Pirate Pete hid among the rocks
Inside the many slopes and pocks
Listening for the swoosh of approaching sleigh and deer.
He lolled across the coarse stone sipping foaming beer.
In his hand a lasso to trap the fat man's ride,
A sword and pistol pressing his side.
"Swoo-" He hears it on high.
"-oosh'. He flings his rope to the sky.
With a twang the line grows taught;
Santa, elves, and deer are caught.
"Har," the delighted pirate cries;
"I've got you for all your lies.
Telling folks the reindeer are boys,
Giving out on the savior's birth mere toys;
I could make you walk a plank.
Arrr, in fact, my ship just sank.
Would ye be for giving a poor pirate lad a ride?
I'll take it and swallow my pride."
"Get in young man," spoke stern Santa.
"Folks like you make me need Mylanta.
What's this guff that I'm a liar?
The truth of Christmas is life's fire,
With a little harmless fun.
Hey, look what I've done.
I don't mean to make you cry, friend.
Take this gift and let our argument end."
"Arr; I'm a pirate; I can never change.
In the end, I'm gonna rob you though it seems strange.
Can you keep me an appointment for the mid of May?
For I intend to waylay you on the one called May Day."
"Certainly, I can;
Here shake my hand."
He let Pete down
And turned the sleigh around.
"Adios, you pirate," he yelled.
"Open your gift; it's swell."
The pirate removed the patch from his one eye
He opened the gift and began to cry.
"Arr, a teddy bear,
With curly brown hair.
Thank you, Santa Claus.
We'll not fight; there's no cause."
And Santa cried "Hi yo reindeer"
And sailed into a sky serene and clear.
Next went sleigh and crew
To the lands of gloom and grue,
Where the heart of the season
Knows not spirit's treason;
But ministers to wrath and rue.
"Santa," said one elf named Joe,
"There's a child whose father says no
When asked if there is love named Santa.
The child has no gift;
He's not on the list.
Oh, Santa, what is the answer?"
Santa clucked sadly with woe;
"There is no answer friend Joe;
For magic dust I sprinkle
To make their hearts twinkle;
But, I cannot alter the nature
Of despair, of disbelief and failure
If hearts are closed and avenues cut off."
He choked with a sob and a cough.
That one's meager Christmas they served,
That one they lost the nerve.
Another one slept in booze and pills,
Soon to forget his worldly ills.
And when they left the plain of gloom and sadness
It left a stain on all their remaining gladness.
On the fly again
Santa rests, a toddy in hand.
He notes young Linda moved without warning;
She lived at the house below just this morning.
He sends elf Joe to reconnoiter
Searching here and across the border.
She's here, Joe signals;
It's the girl with the pigtails.
They swoop; they land.
Asleep in the sand
The whole family huddled.
The elf's approach, befuddled.
I don't understand why some must hide.
And Joe the elf stood back and cried.
'Round the globe in a twinkling
These stories are but an inkling
Of all the wonder encapsulated
In a journey love instigated
And where the sleigh landed and still
Runners burned holes in the ice like a hot grill.
All the jewels in the crown of the season
Form an afterglow more lasting than sight or reason.